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If you’re a mum, household chores, never-ending meal preps, and a whole lot of other “mum stuff” fill your day and night. 

You think about your children even when you're “not thinking” about them. From the moment you brought them out into the world, to booking and dressing them up for their newborn photoshoot, to making sure they’re fed and watered, to raising them to be amazing little people - you’re doing a great job and you deserve a medal!

More than a medal though, every mom, regardless of age and number of children, wants to still feel beautiful and look their best despite their hectic schedule. What’s the solution? Skincare, lots of self-love and make up of course!

Whether you’re looking for permanent make-up to make your lashes and eyebrows pop without any effort at all, or just looking to add a little color to those cheeks for a romantic night out with the hubby (without the kids!)There's a special makeup routine that’s just for you.

Read on for some quick make-up tips for busy moms like you!

B is for Basic

We always see makeup routines and tutorials on the internet and most of them include a very complicated routine that requires a lot of materials and time. As busy mums, you wish that you have more than 24 hours in your day to squeeze in every little thing you need to do, but you can’t.

Not everyone has the time and energy to finish a “10 step skincare” or do a wingtip in their eyeliner, and that’s okay. You have to work with what you have and take advantage of all resources available to you.

If you only have about 15 to 30 minutes to do your makeup, stick with a very basic routine. Start your routine with your regular skin care regimen which may consist of cleanser, toner, moisturizer and sunblock. Follow through with a basic makeup routine which may include a foundation, blush, brows and lippy. If you have more time, squeeze in some mascara to give your lashes a little love!

Take advantage of several makeup products in the market that have double function too. A blush that doubles up as an eye shadow will not only save you time, it will save you money as well.

 A is for Affordable

Let’s be clear, affordable doesn’t mean “cheap”. Affordable is something that fits within your budget and can be bought without breaking the bank too much. If you have a big budget to splurge on high-end cosmetics, then you’re more than welcome to go for them by all means. On the other hand, if you’re looking to buy amazing products that are easier on the budget, those are available and quite plenty in the market too!

Look for online reviews of other mums who have experience using them and see if they are compatible with your skin type. Make sure to read the labels to know if the ingredients are “skin friendly” and hypoallergenic.

Don’t forget the most affordable make-routine there is - SLEEP! Nice make-up is good, but having great skin is more amazing. As busy mums, you may have already forgotten what it felt like to sleep for 8 hrs uninterrupted, but try to get those snoozes any chance you get. Your skin will thank you for it!

Cute daughter putting makeup on her mothers face at home in the bathroom

W is for Water

Our body is made up of 60% water and if you want to maintain your glow and have that dewy finish, make it a point to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily! Makeup sticks longer and looks better on healthy skin, so investing in your skin will essentially cut the time you need to spend on putting on makeup.

Water keeps your body refreshed and helps it maintain its elasticity. As busy mums, you’re already lacking sleep which is sometimes hard to control with all the chores you need to do, but drinking water isn’t! Always keep a water bottle handy at all times and drink up every chance you get. 


Motherhood, especially to younger children, may be one of the busiest seasons in your life but it can also be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling. Your life now may revolve around changing diapers and washing bottles, but don’t let this busy season stop you from being the most beautiful and gorgeous version of yourself. 

Take some time out to pamper yourself, have a relaxing day at the spa or take an hour to do your hair and make-up. You are beautiful, and you deserve to feel it every day.